Southern California Joint Pole Committee

The Joint Pole Committee is made up of a group of member representatives of utilities, communications, and municipalities in Southern California who hold joint equity interest in utility poles. Established by telephone, electricity and railroad companies, the Committee has existed since October 10, 1906. It was formed as a result of the need to limit the number of poles in the field and to create a uniform procedure for recording ownership of poles. Each member has a vote and shares in the expenses of the Committee according to their joint pole interests. The Committee meetings are held in accordance to the SCJPC By-Laws.

The Committee employs an administrative staff whose purpose is to keep accurate records of ownership for each jointly-owned pole and keep on file a master record of each jointly-owned pole. The principal function is to calculate the established value of each transaction, involving the sale or purchase of joint pole equity interests or maintenance of those interests. The Joint Pole Committee staff prepares monthly Bills of Sale which are sent to the members to enable them to make monetary settlement of their joint enterprises.

Current members of the Southern California Joint Pole Committee are:

Members of the Southern California Joint Pole Committee (SCJPC) hold a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN) issued by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), which permits SCJPC Members to construct and maintain telecommunication facilities. SCJPC Members maintain attachment rights, if approved, to attach equipment on distribution or communication poles to establish joint-ownership record between SCJPC Member and other members of the SCJPC.

For distribution or communication poles in which SCJPC Member is not an established joint-owner, SCJPC Member obtains joint-ownership attachment rights, with authorization for construction, through the submittal of an intent notice Form 2 Preliminary Joint Pole Authorization (JPA Form 2), to the appropriate pole owners(s), which must be approved by the pole owner(s).

Pursuant to the SCJPC guidelines, a JPA becomes valid after 45 calendar days have elapsed (unless there is a denial or hold), from the date in which the JPA was submitted.

Please note that the SCJPC Routine Handbook, which contains the JPA Form 2, is confidential and accessible only to those members of the SCJPC.



Please view or download from this page: Forms and Routine Handbook



Please view or download from this page: Forms and Routine Handbook

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